uture Activities

Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid Week this year is from the 12th to the 18th May.

There will be a sponsored bike ride by Mark Thompson of Sandbach Baptist Church in his garage at 81 Forge Fields, Wheelock, CW11 3RD where refreshments and plants will also be available in exchange for donations.
To raise funds for Burundi where malnourishment and poverty affect more than 70% of the population.
Every day: On Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday from 2:00pm and on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00am.
You can donate in cash, but you can also use this link to his fundraising page where you will find more details:

Monday 20th May at 10:00am – coffee morning at New Horizons, Wheelock.

Saturday 25th May, 10:00am til 12 noon – coffee morning in the Wesley Centre with bacon butties and a raffle.

Saturday 1st June at 7:00pm: Music for a June evening. An evening of light musical entertainment in the Wesley Centre, with Rob Glassonbury, Lynne Ashmore and Karen Foster. Instrumental pieces (on the piano, harp and flute) and songs. Proceeds to be shared between Christian Aid and UMC. Tickets are available from Rob and Karen, or you can pay on the door.

Knitted Christmas Angels

We have decided that the knitted Angels should make an appearance again this year.

To this end please click here for a revised pattern which Norma has kindly done, to help the process along (opens in a new window).

CTS Meetings

The next meetings of CTS are: